Social Media Marketing is a way for companies or brands to interact with customers, maybe potential customers, in a social, natural way.

There are approximately 4.1 billion internet users, i.e. 54 percent of the global population. To put it into perspective, 2.46 billion of those people are social media users. Social media has encouraged us to share everything with the world. In terms of businesses, we have changed the way in which we communicate with our customers.


Social media is like a town hall. It’s a place where people come to see their families or catch up with friends, share stories, even discuss today’s latest breaking news or educate themselves. People don’t want to be handed a flyer with your sales pitch on it; they want to discuss and engage in things that are relevant and interesting to them. So, it’s a chance for entrepreneurs to reach out to people that may not know anything about them, to engage in conversations, and have honest discussions about their products that may be beneficial to the audience.


Social media platforms helps any business in the following ways:

  • Increase your website traffic.
  • Raise your brand awareness.
  • Create your brand identity.
  • Improvises communication with customers or prospects.
  • Deliver your contents to the masses.


Social media marketing can serve every stage of the buying cycle. The two most important of them are:

  • The first one is the awareness stage which is where customers or prospects may not know anything about your company, and you’re trying to get yourself in front of them.
  • The second one on the other end of the spectrum is more about customer relations. It can support or turn your existing customers, the most loyal ones, into brand advocates.



Let’s see what are the foundation pillars for marketing on social media:

  1. Strategy: Strategy is considered the major part that drives the growth of your company. It lets you analyse the relevant goals and also helps you in planning your business. The strategy encompasses everything related to planning, setting goals, analysing how to engage with the audience, and so on.

Branding Strategy

  1. Planning:A large part of your success in a small business depends on how well you plan your social media campaigns. Also, before you start marketing on social media, you need to have an perfect Research the market trends, define your target group, and locate which platform is suitable for the business.


  1. Engagement: As your business grows, the reach also eventually increases. Starting with an excellent social media profile to have an online contact with customers on all suitable So having a good engagement ratio is necessary.


  1. Analytics:Social media analytics is a very vast platform where you can promote any of your products. Analysing the insights can give you enough ideas to take your business forward. Analysing your trend from social media, tracking them, and converting the prospects  is the key.


  1. Advertising:Have you ever seen any ads which pop up now and then while watching a video? . Always make use of Google ads, LinkedIn ads, and Instagram sponsored ads to promote your products.



When it comes to small business owners and entrepreneurs, they have to face many challenges with social media. So we have provided you with the best tips to bring in traffic to the website.

  • Creating Smart And Measurable Goals:This is super important because if you don’t align your social media marketing goals with your business goals, you will not know exactly what you have to post. So Ideate the best content to put out.


  • Create A Social Media Toolkit:A social media toolkit allows you to create different templates for your social media, so that way is just a plug-and-play when you’re going out to execute.


  • Create Searchable Content:There are so many different pieces of searchable content that are very important. Here you get to see what people are searching for when it comes to your business. Your job on social media is to answer those questions of your potential customers who are ready to make this sale.


  • Brainstorm Your Ideas:Basically, here you are trying to make sure that you take all the ideas of your head as a small business owner and put that on paper. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to execute all these ideas right now. You have to recollect it so that you can be very intentional with your content.

Social Media Planning

  • Make Time For Engagement:Every single day, try to spend 15 minutes commenting on all of your different social media platforms and creating a sense of engagement online. If you engage in the form of likes, comments, shares with similar business consistently every day on social platforms, you can undoubtedly create a community online that will actually turn into sales at the end of the day.


  • Focus On Video Content:As humans, we are very used to the idea of movement. Video marketing is very underutilized strategy right now for small business owners but can be a very beneficial tool.


  • Use Tools To Streamline The Process:Focus on what systems and tools you will use to execute your ideas. You can use all the social media analyser tools to streamline the social media marketing process.


  • Venture Into Different Social Media Platforms:Last piece of advice very daunting to entrepreneurs is trying to come out of your comfort zone and venture into new platforms. Get a Facebook and an Instagram page for your business. Also, make your business profiles on LinkedIn, Pinterest, and youtube. These are other platforms that can really help bring in traffic to websites and attract customers.


Take Away:

Social Media Marketing mainly refers to the process of obtaining more traffic through social media sites. Also, if you want to launch a product and can’t decide its color, ask it on social media, and wait for the responses to come flooding back. Marketing on social media platforms is phenomenal. Around 80% of your marketing results come from 20% of your efforts. Social media has a countless opportunity to bring brand awareness and sales tool for your business.

Let our expert team of social media marketing experts in salem branch help you with your marketing needs. At Digital Biggy we know what it takes to build and maintain a flourishing website for your business.

Email us at now!

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