Have an online store? Then, it’s vital to choose a reliable eCommerce hosting provider. Because your online store will be accessible to users on the web only when it’s hosted on a server.

So, you need to give importance to the hosting service. It affects the overall performance of your site. Opting for the best hosting for ecommerce website by MilesWeb is always beneficial. MilesWeb is one of the prominent web hosting providers in the web hosting industry.

Coming back to the point! But what makes an ideal eCommerce host? Here we’ve listed down the factors you need to look for in a web hosting provider to make a well-informed decision. Besides, you can even get MilesWeb’s small business hosting that can let you have a smooth online journey.

But, let me first give you a brief overview of eCommerce hosting.

Let’s dive in!

What is eCommerce Hosting?

Be it an online store, or a website, to get it online, you need a web hosting provider. The hosting provider offers you a server space, where you can store all your website files, folders, and databases thereby giving it the ability to connect to the web so that visitors can access it.

Web hosting comes in different types and even specializations. One of the types is eCommerce hosting.

eCommerce hosting is a form of hosting service where the hosting provider offers the server space for your online store to reside. This hosting is tailored specifically to run eCommerce-based websites.

Factors You Need to Look for in an eCommerce Hosting Provider

There are some key aspects eCommerce hosting providers should have.

  1. 24×7 Customer Support

Issues can occur at any time, any day. If the hosting provider you choose doesn’t offer excellent support when you reach out, there are chances your website might be down for hours and hours.

At MilesWeb, they offer 24×7 customer support to help you resolve your issues at the earliest. Many web host don’t offer this much!

Look for a hosting provider that offers good customer support at the server can go down at any time, and your website may face technical issues. At this time, you need to get the issue resolved quickly.

  1. Don’t Neglect Security

eCommerce websites are prone to threats or attacks. As money transactions take place on these platforms. So, it’s necessary to keep your online store/website safe from threats or breaches.

Securing code is all up to you, but many times, hackers target eCommerce sites due to poor web hosts. So, make sure the eCommerce hosting provider you pick takes measures to keep your store safe and secure. Most importantly, double-check if they include an SSL certificate with their eCommerce hosting plan.

An SSL certificate keeps the transactions safe and also helps to improve the SERP of your online store/website.

Web hosts like MilesWeb take security very seriously and include an SSL certificate at no additional cost. Plus, they have highly secure and redundant data centers that are secured and deliver the best performance.

  1. Check for Uptime Guarantee

If your website is not accessible to users, even for some time, they will leave your site. It can affect your revenue, traffic and ultimately your business growth.

Also, if your website goes down frequently, it will affect your brand’s reputation. So, check if the hosting provider offers an uptime guarantee of 99.9% or above.

  1. Easy to Scale

eCommerce is such a platform that gets the highest traffic. And so your website must be able to handle the incoming traffic.

If suddenly there is an increase in traffic, then you must be able to upgrade the plan easily. Look for a hosting provider that lets you grow along with your business.

  1. Enough Storage and Bandwidth

eCommerce sites have a lot of data stored. And this requires a lot of space and bandwidth. Hence find a hosting provider that offers you enough storage otherwise you have to pay hefty overage fees.

There are a lot of images on eCommerce sites to deliver a good user experience. But this takes up a lot of space. Hence make sure the bandwidth and storage limit in your hosting package.

  1. Know the Pricing Structure

When choosing the hosting provider, you need to be well- aware of the renewal and sign-up prices.

Most hosting providers charge less for the initial charges for signing up and then charge hefty renewal prices. Check for the hosting provider which is within your budget and offers everything you need to succeed on the online platform. MilesWeb does not charge extra renewal charges. Their renewal prices are the same as the sign-up prices.

Additional Services for eCommerce Hosting by MilesWeb:

  1. Outbound Email Filtering: (Rs 100.00 INR Monthly)

Get rid of email delivery issues caused by IP address blacklisting. Improve your security by automatically shutting off compromised accounts and scripts. Email security and delivery at scale. Detect and prevent email misuse from compromised accounts.

  1. Domain SSL: (Rs 700.00 INR Annually)

Domain SSL Certificates is a trust seal that you display on your website to build visitors trust and customer conversions. It is an excellent source of authentication.

  1. Google Workspace: (Rs 1500.00 INR Annually)

Upgrade to Google Workspace to access professional Gmail at your domain, as well as Google Drive online storage, Calendar, Meet, and other business-related features.

Check out MilesWeb customer review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuNAcMx3uEI

With all these factors, I hope you’ll now be able to choose the right eCommerce hosting provider for your online store. Because, the hosting provider you choose has a great impact on your eCommerce online store. It can affect in many ways like the security, performance, support, uptime and more.

MilesWeb offers the best eCommerce hosting plans to get the maximum results for your online store.


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